
Science Highlight




Known Issues

Known Issues affecting the Cycle 12 release of the ALMA Observing Tool.

The following table lists those issues which are known to affect the Cycle 12 version of the Observing Tool. This will be updated to denote whether an issue has been fixed and whether this fix has made it into an updated release.


Issue Description Resolved? Deployed?
C1_032 Leaving the OT open for days at a time can cause an error upon saving. Saving to another file, closing the OT and re-opening produces a "ZLIB input stream" error i.e. the project is unreadable. This issue is yet to be satisfactorily characterised.    
C6_001 The OT's mosaicing algorithm will not allow an even number of pointings along a single row. A custom mosaic may be used instead.    
C8_002 When setting the hour of a multiple visit using the time-constraint interface, it may not be possible to select certain values and attempting to do so may cause the OT to freeze. There is no known workaround at present.    
C8_003 Sources with different velocities may bring up a validation error relating to 'tuning groups'. Small changes to the source velocity may solve the problem. The first source typically seems to be the problem.    
C10_001 When selecting “Simultaneous 12-m and ACA observations” in a project where two different 12-m configurations are required (e.g., C-5 and C-2), the smaller configuration (e.g., C-2) is dropped without any warning.    
C10_004 In the correlator configuration section of the Technical Justification in the OT, the effective bandwidth is wrongly displayed as representative spectral window resolution and thus the calculation of the line width / representative spectral window resolution is not correct.    
C11_003 In the science goal summary of the proposal pdf, the time windows for time-constrained projects with multiple visits are not displayed.    
C11_004 For spectral scan projects, the achieved RMS over the total bandwidth reported in the Technical Justification is wrong. One should refer to the requested RMS.